
【CompTIA India】「Vulnerability Assessment and Pen Testing Skills」Webinar開催!


本Webinarは、CompTIA India主催のWebinarとなります。そのため、本編、案内共にすべて英語となります。

【Overview & Registration】

Title: Vulnerability Assessment and Pen Testing Skills

Date: Monday, April 27, 2020

Time: 09:00 AM Gulf Standard Time (日本時間 同日14:00)

Duration: 2 hours



Vulnerability Assessment and Pen Testing Skills Webinar

We've seen radical changes in today's computing environment. We're seeing more remote workers than ever before. For years now, we've seen ongoing profound changes in end point and network technologies, including IoT and the cloud. How have all of these changes impacted today's vulnerability assessor and pen tester? Join CompTIA Chief Technology Evangelist, Dr. James Stanger, to learn more about what pen testers and vulnerability assessors do in today's post-modern environments.